• about tasc
    TASC is a non-profit organization serving high school and middle-level student councils in Texas. Their purposes are to develop leadership abilities in students, promote democracy as a way of life, and establish and uphold high standards for local councils.
  • objective
    The structure of TASC is well organized and professional, but their branding for their annual conference does not always show that. With a rebrand to the main association with a strong foundation of guidelines, students can then follow the brand guidelines to produce more professional-quality conferences with consistency year after year.
  • approach
    By rebranding, the association with a more student-friendly, modern look, will help elevate them in their goals to create successful young leaders. An inclusive logo would represent all of Texas, with friendly colors as per the state's motto and true Texas imagery.

see my [ proceso ]
project type
Texas Association of
Student Councils
Austin, TX
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